CiteAgent Trajectories

Click on the titles/excerpts to see how CiteAgent looks for papers. CiteAgent successfully manages to find the target paper for excerpts marked in green, and is unsuccessful for ones marked in red. You can click on System messages that are cut off, in order to see the whole message.

Target Paper: The IM Algorithm : A variational approach to Information Maximization

Excerpt: This technique of lower bounding mutual information is known as Variational Information Maximization [CITATION].


You are now given an excerpt. Find me the paper cited in the excerpt, using the tools described above. Please make sure that the paper you s...


Thought: The mentioned technique, Variational Information Maximization, seems to be a known concept. We will perform a search using this term to identify relevant papers that describe this technique.

Action: search(sort=Relevance) Variational Information Maximization


- Paper ID: 7c27224be9b4fbe9a9546fd5922afcfe8ef3073f Title: Variational Information Maximization for Feature Selection Abstract: Featu...


Thought: The paper 'Variational Information Maximization for Feature Selection' (ID: 7c27224be9b4fbe9a9546fd5922afcfe8ef3073f) seems very relevant, as it directly discusses lower bounds for mutual information, which relates to the context of Variational Information Maximization mentioned in the excerpt. I will read the paper to verify it mentions the technique described in the excerpt.

Action: read 7c27224be9b4fbe9a9546fd5922afcfe8ef3073f


Variational Information Maximization for Feature Selection Shuyang Gao Greg Ver Steeg Aram Galstyan University of Southern California, Infor...


Thought: The paper 'Variational Information Maximization for Feature Selection' discusses generating lower bounds for mutual information using variational distributions, which matches the description of Variational Information Maximization in the excerpt. Therefore, I will select it as the cited paper.

Action: select 7c27224be9b4fbe9a9546fd5922afcfe8ef3073f

Target Paper: Approximating CNNs with Bag-of-local-Features models works surprisingly well on ImageNet

Excerpt: One reason might be the training task itself: from [CITATION] we know that ImageNet can be solved to high accuracy using only local information. In other words, it might simply suffice to integrate evidence from many local texture features rather than going through the process of integrating and classifying global shapes


You are now given an excerpt. Find me the paper cited in the excerpt, using the tools described above. Please make sure that the paper you s...


Thought: The cited paper seems to be about solving ImageNet using local information. I'll start by searching for papers related to 'solving ImageNet using local information'.

Action: search(sort=Relevance) ImageNet solved with local information


- Paper ID: bcd883ef8faa9a81f5c14da97669df1dd2e8f1b8 Title: Local directional relation pattern for unconstrained and robust face retrieva...


Thought: The search results do not seem to include papers directly addressing the solution of ImageNet using local information. Therefore, I need to modify the search query to better match the context provided in the excerpt.

Action: search(sort=Relevance) ImageNet high accuracy using local texture features


- Paper ID: 29dc9cf7005047a21d72bfd26ab35bd05c97e2e4 Title: Assessing Texture Features to Classify Coastal Wetland Vegetation from High S...


Thought: The search results still do not seem to include papers directly addressing the solution of ImageNet with local information or local texture features. I'll need to adjust the search query to better capture papers that fit the context of solving ImageNet using local texture features.

Action: search(sort=Relevance) ImageNet local texture features high accuracy


- Paper ID: 29dc9cf7005047a21d72bfd26ab35bd05c97e2e4 Title: Assessing Texture Features to Classify Coastal Wetland Vegetation from High S...


Thought: Paper ID 810ae452a3a1f673ea241bd540f9551b2996ed5b titled 'Approximating CNNs with Bag-of-local-Features models works surprisingly well on ImageNet' seems directly relevant as it mentions achieving high performance on ImageNet using local features. I will read this paper.

Action: read 810ae452a3a1f673ea241bd540f9551b2996ed5b




Thought: This paper directly discusses achieving high accuracy on ImageNet using local features, which is exactly what the excerpt is about.

Action: select 810ae452a3a1f673ea241bd540f9551b2996ed5b

Target Paper: High Accuracy Optical Flow Estimation Based on a Theory for Warping

Excerpt: Even if we assume fixed filters using a combination of the above, our probabilistic formulation still allows learning the parameters of the GSM experts from data as outlined below. Consequently, we do not need to tune the trade-off weights between the brightness and gradient constancy terms by hand as in [CITATION].


You are now given an excerpt. Find me the paper cited in the excerpt, using the tools described above. Please make sure that the paper you s...


Thought: The excerpt mentions the use of brightness and gradient constancy terms, which suggests a focus on optical flow or image processing techniques. We’ll do a search to identify relevant papers.

Action: search(sort=Relevance) brightness and gradient constancy terms optical flow


- Paper ID: 91228e00fe33ed6072cfe849ab9e98160461549d Title: High Accuracy Optical Flow Estimation Based on a Theory for Warping Abstra...


Thought: The paper with ID 9917c7353ebea5466576ab04574a6acd815bc0ce directly refers to the 'Gradient Constancy Assumption' which fits the context of the excerpt mentioning 'gradient constancy terms'. This seems highly relevant. I'll read the paper to verify the details.

Action: read 9917c7353ebea5466576ab04574a6acd815bc0ce


There was an error reading the PDF. Please try a different paper.


Thought: Since the paper with ID 69172d55d9ba2175370bdf35f53fa57bccbf4a7d also mentions 'Gradient-Based Optical Flow Estimation', it appears relevant to the context of 'gradient constancy terms'. I'll read this paper to verify.

Action: read 69172d55d9ba2175370bdf35f53fa57bccbf4a7d


There was an error reading the PDF. Please try a different paper.


Thought: The paper with ID 91228e00fe33ed6072cfe849ab9e98160461549d, titled 'High Accuracy Optical Flow Estimation Based on a Theory for Warping', seems relevant as it likely covers the trade-offs in optical flow estimation methods, which might include brightness and gradient constancy terms. I'll read this paper to verify.

Action: read 91228e00fe33ed6072cfe849ab9e98160461549d


High Accuracy Optical Flow Estimation Based on a Theory for Warping⋆ Thomas Brox, Andr´ es Bruhn, Nils Papenberg, and Joachim Weickert Mathe...


Thought: The paper 'High Accuracy Optical Flow Estimation Based on a Theory for Warping' matches the details mentioned in the excerpt. It discusses the use of brightness and gradient constancy assumptions in the context of optical flow estimation, which is exactly what the excerpt refers to.

Action: select 91228e00fe33ed6072cfe849ab9e98160461549d

Target Paper: Alvinn: An autonomous land vehicle in a neural network

Excerpt: We learn π using behavioral cloning [CITATION], which optimizes π by minimizing the negative log-likelihood of actions at given the images and language instructions.


You are now given an excerpt. Find me the paper cited in the excerpt, using the tools described above. Please make sure that the paper you s...


Thought: Behavioral cloning is a technique in reinforcement learning and imitation learning where the policy π is typically learned from expert demonstrations. To find the relevant paper on this topic, we'll start by searching for papers using 'behavioral cloning' as the query.

Action: search(sort=Relevance) behavioral cloning


- Paper ID: e134ec1e834b0d56945916cdc02df653dc4e175d Title: Diffusion Model-Augmented Behavioral Cloning Abstract: Imitation learning ...


Thought: Given that the excerpt specifically mentions the concept of 'behavioral cloning' to optimize π by minimizing the negative log-likelihood of actions, the most relevant paper appears to be the foundational one that might introduce or heavily discuss behavioral cloning. The high citation count of Paper ID 35da1cd669ad5492a6358ea53aea95de28d39ded titled 'Behavioral Cloning from Observation' suggests it might be foundational. We should read this paper to verify its details and confirm if it is the one describing this method.

Action: read 35da1cd669ad5492a6358ea53aea95de28d39ded


Behavioral Cloning from Observation Faraz Torabi1, Garrett Warnell2, Peter Stone1 1The University of Texas at Austin 2U.S. Army Research Lab...


Thought: The paper 'Behavioral Cloning from Observation' discusses a specific method within behavioral cloning and imitation learning, where policy π is optimized. However, it did not explicitly match the context provided in the excerpt (minimizing the negative log-likelihood of actions given the images and language instructions). We will run another search query using more specific terms related to behavioral cloning and 'negative log-likelihood' to find a more relevant foundational paper.

Action: search(sort=Relevance) behavioral cloning minimizing negative log-likelihood of actions


- Paper ID: 07263bee15626561168a1919102ceb2e790f5499 Title: Retrospective surprise: A computational component for active inference Abs...


Thought: The initial search with 'behavioral cloning minimizing negative log-likelihood of actions' yielded many unrelated results. The first search had better matches. Let's re-examine the list and pick the most cited and relevant paper from the initial search results. The paper ID 35da1cd669ad5492a6358ea53aea95de28d39ded, titled 'Behavioral Cloning from Observation,' has significant citations and appears directly relevant. We'll select it.

Action: select 35da1cd669ad5492a6358ea53aea95de28d39ded

Target Paper: Mind the Gap: Understanding the Modality Gap in Multi-modal Contrastive Representation Learning

Excerpt: Specifically, although [CITATION] first demonstrated that there exists a modality gap between text and image embeddings generated from VLMs, the geometry of this modality gap permits cross-modality transferability. This phenomenon allows text to serve as a proxy to corresponding images and vice versa.


You are now given an excerpt. Find me the paper cited in the excerpt, using the tools described above. Please make sure that the paper you s...


Thought: The excerpt is referring to a study that identified a modality gap between text and image embeddings generated by Visual-Language Models (VLMs) and discussed cross-modality transferability. This sounds like a foundational paper in the field of Visual-Language Models. I will start by searching for papers related to modality gaps and cross-modality transferability in VLMs.

Action: search(sort=Relevance) modality gap between text and image embeddings in VLMs


- Paper ID: b6cf4579b59b51d7df416e096ad86c1e6a48b458 Title: Adversarial Prompt Tuning for Vision-Language Models Abstract: With the ra...


Thought: While this paper discusses the gap between visual and language modalities in VLMs, its main focus is on adversarial prompt tuning for robustness rather than the modality gap's geometric properties and cross-modality transferability. Therefore, we need to search further.

Action: search(sort=Relevance) geometry of modality gap in visual language models


- Paper ID: e937251952897fa8839515742faf5d42ccc93ba9 Title: Diagram Visual Grounding: Learning to See with Gestalt-Perceptual Attention ...


Thought: Neither of these papers directly address the modality gap between text and image embeddings in VLMs and the concept of cross-modality transferability. We need to continue searching to find the relevant paper that discusses these specific aspects.

Action: search(sort=Relevance) cross-modality transferability in visual-language models


- Paper ID: f5c165b6317896a65151050201c737536fa17c31 Title: mPLUG: Effective and Efficient Vision-Language Learning by Cross-modal Skip-c...


Thought: None of these papers directly address the foundational discovery of the modality gap between text and image embeddings in VLMs and the cross-modality transferability. We need to continue searching to find the relevant foundational paper.

Action: search(sort=Relevance) modality gap text image embeddings cross-modality transferability


- Paper ID: 637ac919087ea5822313189bf929f45893e08291 Title: CMA-CLIP: Cross-Modality Attention Clip for Text-Image Classification Abst...


Thought: The paper with the ID 7e39112e704d7c088b592fd5b0fde331594843ae titled 'UNDERSTANDING THE MODALITY GAP IN CLIP' directly addresses the phenomenon of the modality gap observed in CLIP-based multimodal learning methods, which matches the details mentioned in the excerpt.

Action: read 7e39112e704d7c088b592fd5b0fde331594843ae


This paper does not have an open access PDF.


Thought: Since the previous paper was not accessible and did not provide the full details needed, we need to continue searching for a paper that discusses the modality gap and cross-modality transferability in VLMs.

Action: search(sort=Relevance) cross-modality transferability visual language models modality gap


- Paper ID: 6d73f9af8a1470b0d52dfcbeca1f2625b31a0c1d Title: Bridging Modality Gap for Visual Grounding with Effecitve Cross-modal Distill...


Thought: The paper titled 'UNDERSTANDING THE MODALITY GAP IN CLIP' directly mentions the phenomenon of the modality gap in CLIP-based multimodal learning methods and examines its impact, which aligns with the details provided in the excerpt.

Action: select 7e39112e704d7c088b592fd5b0fde331594843ae

Target Paper: Statistical learning of arbitrary computable classifiers.

Excerpt: [CITATION] show: No computable learner can non-uniformly learn the class $\mathcal{H}_{comp}$, the class of all computable functions from $\mathbb{N}$ to {0, 1}


You are now given an excerpt. Find me the paper cited in the excerpt, using the tools described above. Please make sure that the paper you s...


Thought: Invalid JSON content

Action: No action name No action query

Target Paper: On characterizations of learnability with computable learners

Excerpt: Significant progress was made by [CITATION], who gave a characterization of proper strong computable PAC learning in terms of the computability of a Empirical Risk Minimizer (ERM) and who constructed a class of finite VC dimension which is not computable PAC learnable, even in the improper sense.


You are now given an excerpt. Find me the paper cited in the excerpt, using the tools described above. Please make sure that the paper you s...


Thought: Based on the excerpt, we need to find the paper that gave a characterization of proper strong computable PAC learning. We will search for terms like 'proper strong computable PAC learning' and 'Empirical Risk Minimizer (ERM)' to find the relevant paper.

Action: search(sort=Relevance) proper strong computable PAC learning Empirical Risk Minimizer


- Paper ID: 4d666d422b9654c19deecf66c3789096e4c70ce0 Title: Computable PAC Learning of Continuous Features Abstract: We introduce defi...


Thought: The paper 'Computable PAC Learning of Continuous Features' has a title and abstract that closely match the details in the given excerpt. It talks about computable PAC learning, Empirical Risk Minimizer (ERM), and addresses the concept of non-computable PAC learnable hypothesis classes, which are all mentioned in the excerpt.

Action: read 4d666d422b9654c19deecf66c3789096e4c70ce0


There was an error reading the PDF. Please try a different paper.


Thought: The abstract of the paper 'On computable learning of continuous features' also matches the details given in the excerpt. The paper mentions computable PAC learning, Empirical Risk Minimizers (ERM), and non-computable PAC learnable hypothesis classes.

Action: read d6cba2c3d7045ca34cd09a4f343860b25e4e3e2b




Thought: The paper 'On computable learning of continuous features' fits the description provided in the excerpt. It discusses the characterization of proper strong computable PAC learning, the computability of an Empirical Risk Minimizer (ERM), and constructs a class of finite VC dimension which is not computable PAC learnable.

Action: select d6cba2c3d7045ca34cd09a4f343860b25e4e3e2b

Target Paper: Algorithmic Transparency via Quantitative Input Influence: Theory and Experiments with Learning Systems

Excerpt: To the best of our knowledge, there is only one method, QII, that provably provides differentially private black-box post-hoc model explanations [CITATION], protecting the explanation data. QII introduces Shapley value based model explanations, which have become a popular model explanation framework


You are now given an excerpt. Find me the paper cited in the excerpt, using the tools described above. Please make sure that the paper you s...


Thought: The cited paper seems to be introducing QII, a method that provides differentially private black-box post-hoc model explanations and uses Shapley value based model explanations. We’ll perform a search to find relevant papers that discuss QII and these topics.

Action: search(sort=Relevance) QII differentially private black-box post-hoc model explanations Shapley value


- Paper ID: b2681fbc27089797cedc1a454b0c1b94c6482abe Title: Algorithmic Transparency via Quantitative Input Influence: Theory and Experim...


Thought: The abstract of the paper titled 'Algorithmic Transparency via Quantitative Input Influence: Theory and Experiments with Learning Systems' describes a method, QII, that provides differentially private black-box post-hoc model explanations and uses Shapley value based model explanations. This matches the details in the provided excerpt.

Action: select b2681fbc27089797cedc1a454b0c1b94c6482abe

Target Paper: Watermarks in the Sand: Impossibility of Strong Watermarking for Generative Models

Excerpt: With the success of various attacking methods, robustness becomes an important consideration in watermarking techniques. However, [CITATION] proves that it is only feasible to achieve robustness to a well-specified set of attacks, instead of all. This fact aligns with our Theorem 4.4, which characterizes the fundamental limits of robust watermarking under different attacking powers.


You are now given an excerpt. Find me the paper cited in the excerpt, using the tools described above. Please make sure that the paper you s...


Thought: The citation that is missing seems to be referencing a paper that discusses the feasibility of achieving robustness against a well-specified set of attacks in watermarking techniques. To find this paper, I will search for papers on the feasibility of robustness in watermarking techniques to a set of attacks.

Action: search(sort=Relevance) feasibility of achieving robustness in watermarking techniques against a set of attacks


No papers were found for the given search query. Please use a different query.


Thought: Since the previous search query did not yield any results, I will perform another search using a different relevant query focusing on robust watermarking techniques and their limitations.

Action: search(sort=Relevance) robust watermarking techniques limitations


- Paper ID: d9e1c06bcac34fa735152a42c2d903ab67435104 Title: Digital Image Watermarking Techniques: A Review Abstract: Digital image au...


Thought: The paper titled 'Digital Image Watermarking Techniques: A Review' (Paper ID: d9e1c06bcac34fa735152a42c2d903ab67435104) seems to discuss the limitations and standard requirements of watermarking techniques, which aligns with the excerpt's mention of a paper that 'proves that it is only feasible to achieve robustness to a well-specified set of attacks, instead of all'. I will read this paper to confirm if it indeed fits the description given in the excerpt.

Action: read d9e1c06bcac34fa735152a42c2d903ab67435104


information Review Digital Image Watermarking Techniques: A Review Mahbuba Begum1,* and Mohammad Shorif Uddin2 1Department of Computer Sci...


Thought: The paper 'Digital Image Watermarking Techniques: A Review' (Paper ID: d9e1c06bcac34fa735152a42c2d903ab67435104) focuses on the robustness and limitations of various watermarking techniques, including discussions about vulnerability to specific sets of attacks. This aligns with the excerpt, which mentions proving feasibility of achieving robustness to a well-specified set of attacks. However, it does not explicitly match the citation needed in the excerpt. I will perform another search with a refined query related to the limitations of robustness in watermarking to find a more accurate match.

Action: search(sort=Relevance) limitations of robustness in digital watermarking techniques


- Paper ID: 1275d063dfae9ea716eaad5b027555501ff4f2a0 Title: Analysis of Digital Image Watermarking Techniques through Hybrid Methods A...


Thought: The search results include the paper titled 'Robust Watermarking Techniques for the Authentication and Copyright Protection of Digital Images: A Survey' (Paper ID: 36532b3b338cfc64849fe39f4deb10b2e642fc30). This paper appears to review the robustness of digital watermarking techniques and mentions various limitations and types of attacks, which aligns with the citation's context about achievable robustness against a well-specified set of attacks rather than all attacks. I will read this paper to confirm if it fits the description.

Action: read 36532b3b338cfc64849fe39f4deb10b2e642fc30


There was an error reading the PDF. Please try a different paper.


Thought: Since the previous paper could not be read due to an error, I will consider another relevant paper. 'Analysis of Digital Image Watermarking Techniques through Hybrid Methods' (Paper ID: 1275d063dfae9ea716eaad5b027555501ff4f2a0) mentions the limitations and robustness of watermarking techniques. This aligns with the context of the citation. I will read this paper to confirm whether it fits the description.

Action: read 1275d063dfae9ea716eaad5b027555501ff4f2a0


There was an error reading the PDF. Please try a different paper.


Thought: As the previous attempts to read the papers encountered errors, I will now consider another potentially relevant paper. 'Recent Digital Watermarking Approaches, Protecting Multimedia Data Ownership' (Paper ID: 1703dadbfb02673bef2dfde35ae83b364c2be27d) discusses various techniques, limitations, and attacks related to digital watermarking. This aligns well with the context of the citation needed. I will read this paper to confirm if it fits the description.

Action: read 1703dadbfb02673bef2dfde35ae83b364c2be27d


This paper does not have an open access PDF.


Thought: Since previous attempts to read or access papers were unsuccessful, I will now consider 'A Novel Watermark Embedding Scheme using Compressive Sensing inWavelet Domain' (Paper ID: 42aae882290d8397b090834d9dac5e26c1281c9e), which discusses robustness and limitations in watermarking. This may align with proving the feasibility of achieving robustness against specific attacks. I will read it to see if it matches the excerpt.

Action: read 42aae882290d8397b090834d9dac5e26c1281c9e


Send Orders for Reprints to The Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal, 2015, 9, 1-6 1 1874-110X/15 2015 Be...


Thought: The paper 'A Novel Watermark Embedding Scheme using Compressive Sensing in Wavelet Domain' (Paper ID: 42aae882290d8397b090834d9dac5e26c1281c9e) discusses the limitations of existing digital watermarking techniques and proposes a new method focusing on robustness against specific attacks, improving over existing methods in terms of computational cost, robustness, and imperceptibility. This aligns with the excerpt, making it a suitable match.

Action: select 42aae882290d8397b090834d9dac5e26c1281c9e

Target Paper: Can You Trust Your Model’s Uncertainty? Evaluating Predictive Uncertainty Under Dataset Shift

Excerpt: [CITATION] empirically study calibration under distribution shift and provide a large comparison of methods for improving calibration. They report that both accuracy and calibration deteriorate with distribution shift.


You are now given an excerpt. Find me the paper cited in the excerpt, using the tools described above. Please make sure that the paper you s...


Thought: The excerpt refers to a paper that empirically studies calibration under distribution shift and compares various methods for improving calibration. We'll perform a search based on these keywords to identify the relevant paper.

Action: search(sort=Relevance) calibration under distribution shift comparison of methods


- Paper ID: 48e09f69cfc379f66f7030b0c142fb9eb8284e1e Title: Towards Reliable Multimodal Stress Detection under Distribution Shift Abst...


Thought: Paper titled 'Can You Trust Your Model's Uncertainty? Evaluating Predictive Uncertainty Under Dataset Shift' appears to closely match our query by addressing calibration under dataset shift, performing extensive comparisons of methods, and evaluating the impact on accuracy and calibration. The high citation count also suggests its relevance.

Action: read 1eb7f46b1a0a7df823194d86543e5554aa21021a


Can You Trust Your Model’s Uncertainty? Evaluating Predictive Uncertainty Under Dataset Shift Yaniv Ovadia Google Research yovadia@google.c...


Thought: The paper with id 1eb7f46b1a0a7df823194d86543e5554aa21021a fits the given excerpt perfectly as it investigates calibration under distribution shift and provides a large-scale comparison of methods. It also mentions that both accuracy and calibration deteriorate with distribution shift.

Action: select 1eb7f46b1a0a7df823194d86543e5554aa21021a

Target Paper: What’s the best place for an ai conference, vancouver or ___: Why completing comparative questions is difficult

Excerpt: For this task, we use the Comparative Question Completion dataset introduced by [CITATION]. This consists of questions in which one of a pair of coordinated elements is masked; the target is the masked phrase


You are now given an excerpt. Find me the paper cited in the excerpt, using the tools described above. Please make sure that the paper you s...


Thought: The excerpt references the Comparative Question Completion dataset, which seems to be a specific dataset related to questions and masked phrases. I will search for papers related to the Comparative Question Completion dataset.

Action: search(sort=Relevance) Comparative Question Completion dataset


- Paper ID: dc230ae929bdee9e8c9c811d62ea1f6725012cda Title: SC-Ques: A Sentence Completion Question Dataset for English as a Second Langu...


Thought: None of the search results directly mention the Comparative Question Completion dataset. It is possible that the exact dataset we're looking for is not cited in the provided papers or might be a specific term used in a particular paper. I will refine my search by focusing on academic papers related to 'Comparative Question Completion' and 'Question Completion dataset' to locate the right citation.

Action: search(sort=Relevance) Comparative Question Completion


- Paper ID: f588cf92ccc0b73741e766fe370e461e7cf21c6a Title: Sources of Evidence for Interactive Table Completion Abstract: An importan...


Thought: None of the returned papers directly mention the 'Comparative Question Completion dataset' or provide enough context related to the topic we are investigating. Therefore, I will refine my search query to explore 'Question Completion dataset' as this might yield results more closely related to the original excerpt.

Action: search(sort=Relevance) Question Completion dataset


- Paper ID: dc230ae929bdee9e8c9c811d62ea1f6725012cda Title: SC-Ques: A Sentence Completion Question Dataset for English as a Second Langu...


Thought: The search results do not directly mention a 'Comparative Question Completion dataset,' but the term is quite specific, suggesting that it might be a specialized dataset not widely known. The relevant query might not have revealed the specific dataset we are looking for. I will perform a search using the exact terms 'Comparative Question Completion dataset introduced by' to narrow down the search results and find the precise paper where this dataset was initially introduced.

Action: search(sort=Relevance) Comparative Question Completion dataset introduced by


- Paper ID: 4ff089aa85b4d604d075d1e1488bb11114547e98 Title: SONDHAN: A Comparative Study of Two Proficiency Language Bangla-English on Qu...


Thought: The search results still do not directly mention a 'Comparative Question Completion dataset' or provide sufficient context related to the topic of interest. Since more specialized datasets and methods are involved, I will refine my search once more using the phrase 'Comparative Question Completion dataset for question answering' to find more targeted results.

Action: search(sort=Relevance) Comparative Question Completion dataset for question answering


- Paper ID: 5a69c2e26a221f8fddeffab7d579dc2cdfca6e33 Title: A Comparative Study of Transformers Embeddings for Question Answering in Arab...


Thought: The search results still do not directly mention the 'Comparative Question Completion dataset' or provide enough context related to this specific topic. Considering the specificity of the dataset mentioned, it is possible that the dataset could be discussed in a paper that extensively covers various question completion datasets. I will proceed by searching for papers related to 'datasets for question completion and question answering' to find a more comprehensive source that might refer to the 'Comparative Question Completion dataset'.

Action: search(sort=Relevance) datasets for question completion and question answering


- Paper ID: 410e4e70ec38f9a4cfd43df6dd92adc9f739ce2a Title: Functional Partitioning of Ontologies for Natural Language Query Completion i...


Thought: The search results do not directly reference the 'Comparative Question Completion dataset' again. As the results still did not yield the exact paper we're looking for, I will now focus on reading the abstracts and detailed sections of papers that might mention datasets specifically related to question completion to ensure that I’m not missing any implicit references.

Action: read 40e3cd767c9520171ac8ecbd2e27f3a1bf043b61


Two is Better than Many? Binary Classification as an Effective Approach to Multi-Choice Question Answering Deepanway Ghosal DeCLaRe Navonil M...


Thought: After examining the detailed content of the paper, it is clear that it references various multi-choice question answering (MCQA) datasets and methods but does not specifically mention the 'Comparative Question Completion dataset'. I will select another paper that might contain relevant details and read its abstract to determine its relevance. The paper with the ID '9342e654bcb015240bfa934587a830ab6bffa97e' titled 'Towards Incomplete SPARQL Query in RDF Question Answering - A Semantic Completion Approach' might be related to the question completion dataset.

Action: read 9342e654bcb015240bfa934587a830ab6bffa97e


Paper 9342e654bcb015240bfa934587a830ab6bffa97e not found in buffer: ['410e4e70ec38f9a4cfd43df6dd92adc9f739ce2a', '40e3cd767c9...


Thought: After examining the detailed content of the previous paper, it didn't reference the 'Comparative Question Completion dataset'. I will now proceed by selecting another highly relevant paper: 'Functional Partitioning of Ontologies for Natural Language Query Completion in Question Answering Systems' with the ID '410e4e70ec38f9a4cfd43df6dd92adc9f739ce2a' to see if it contains the dataset we are looking for.

Action: read 410e4e70ec38f9a4cfd43df6dd92adc9f739ce2a


There was an error reading the PDF. Please try a different paper.


Thought: Since the previous attempt to read a paper resulted in an error, I will now select and read another paper from the list. I will choose 'ScreenQA: Large-Scale Question-Answer Pairs over Mobile App Screenshots' (Paper ID: fe351bc1bda19583a7d6b1a96a9b18f59c40b213) to check for any references to the 'Comparative Question Completion dataset'.

Action: read fe351bc1bda19583a7d6b1a96a9b18f59c40b213


ScreenQA: Large-Scale Question-Answer Pairs Over Mobile App Screenshots Yu-Chung Hsiao∗†, Fedir Zubach∗, Maria Wang, Jindong Chen Google Res...


Thought: After reading the paper 'ScreenQA: Large-Scale Question-Answer Pairs over Mobile App Screenshots', it is clear that it does not reference the 'Comparative Question Completion dataset'. I will now proceed to read another relevant paper: 'QUADRo: Dataset and Models for QUestion-Answer Database Retrieval' (Paper ID: 63d637283e7807d2a72ce6d94ccb35c9edd76fed) to see if it contains any references to the target dataset.

Action: read 63d637283e7807d2a72ce6d94ccb35c9edd76fed


Paper 63d637283e7807d2a72ce6d94ccb35c9edd76fed not found in buffer: ['410e4e70ec38f9a4cfd43df6dd92adc9f739ce2a', '40e3cd767c9...


Thought: Given previous attempts have not led to finding the 'Comparative Question Completion dataset', I will now read another relevant paper available. I will choose 'Joint Knowledge Graph Completion and Question Answering' (Paper ID: 8e01f640c39f974bddbcca957d1580f0dd47f511) to determine if it contains references to the dataset in question.

Action: read 8e01f640c39f974bddbcca957d1580f0dd47f511


Paper 8e01f640c39f974bddbcca957d1580f0dd47f511 not found in buffer: ['410e4e70ec38f9a4cfd43df6dd92adc9f739ce2a', '40e3cd767c9...


Thought: Several attempts to find the 'Comparative Question Completion dataset' in the reviewed papers have been unsuccessful. I will now select another paper that could provide insight into datasets for question answering or completion. The paper titled 'Can Incremental Learning help with KG Completion?' (Paper ID: d777d15677b673fe02750333181ea5e1e6dadf17) might contain relevant information. I will read this paper next.

Action: read d777d15677b673fe02750333181ea5e1e6dadf17


Can Incremental Learning help with KG Completion? Faculty of Media Engineering and Technology, German University in Cairo, Egypt Abstract. K...


Thought: After reading the paper titled 'Can Incremental Learning help with KG Completion?,' it does not contain any references to the 'Comparative Question Completion dataset'. I will now proceed to read another relevant paper: 'Template-based Question Answering analysis on the LC-QuAD2.0 Dataset' (Paper ID: 5a8dd8b644049fdfc877cb15e1c4a9b249ea1c5c) to see if it includes any mention of the dataset we are searching for.

Action: read 5a8dd8b644049fdfc877cb15e1c4a9b249ea1c5c


Paper 5a8dd8b644049fdfc877cb15e1c4a9b249ea1c5c not found in buffer: ['410e4e70ec38f9a4cfd43df6dd92adc9f739ce2a', '40e3cd767c9...


Caution, you have reached the maximum number of actions. Please select a paper.


Thought: Although none of the papers reviewed so far have directly mentioned the 'Comparative Question Completion dataset', I have seen that the paper titled 'Two is Better than Many? Binary Classification as an Effective Approach to Multi-Choice Question Answering' (Paper ID: 40e3cd767c9520171ac8ecbd2e27f3a1bf043b61) discusses multi-choice question answering and sentence completion, which is closely related to question completion tasks. Given our constraints, this paper is the most relevant based on the given excerpt.

Action: select 40e3cd767c9520171ac8ecbd2e27f3a1bf043b61